Timing Results – 2015 DuPage Human Race
Race day is 3252 days, 11 hours, 50 minutes, 53 seconds ago!
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DuPage Human Race 2015
(by LeVern A. Danley III)
Race Day Information
for the 5th Annual DuPage Human Race! The Human Race® is a community event & fundraiser that benefits over 65 non-profit organizations serving DuPage County.
5k Run/Fitness Walk – A family friendly ‘feel good’ fundraiser event supporting several local charities
Saturday, April 30, 2016 at 9:00 a.m.
The Esplanade at Locust Point, Downers Grove
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2016 Goals
1,800 Runners & Walkers!
2015 Race: 1,630 Runners & Walkers
Raise $100,000 for 60+ charities!
2015 Race raised $78,076 for 67 local charities